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Hand made leather goods in #HTX.

That Lopez Fam

Sharing a little into our world

Wild and Five!

The Lopez

He's FIVE and wild! Time sure doesnt sit still and flies by us. I feel like I blinked and here we are. Our party animal had the time of his life despite this HOUSTON Heat! A day full of sugar, cold treats & laughter because you only turn FIVE once. Scroll down for all the fun!

Theme: Party Animal Decoration: Animal Parade by Meri Meri

Activity Sheet: Party Animal Birthday Party Activity Sheet

Table Covers: Happy Collection Confetti Dot Rectangular Table Cover

Slime Kits: Elmer's Gue 3lb Glassy Clear Slime, Animal Beads, Spiky Hedge Balls, Golden Mini Safari Animals, Glitter and Confetti

Luca-James loves cake and cookies, so we had to have a combo of it. We also had a regular vanila cake as well. We also had the best sugar cookies by the best and this mama did NOT take any photos of them! ugh! If I can grab one from her I will come back and update so you can see!

It was a beautiful HOT day and i'm thankful our friends braved the heat for a couple of hours to make our LJ's day a great one! A memory forever!

It's been a while....

The Lopez

Well HELLO there... it's been four years since my last blog post. Alot has happen in those four years! The biggest and greatest thing was the addition of Lennox-Cole to the family. A joyful surprise to our lives nad one we can't image life before him. He was born December of 2023. He is the sweetest, most happy baby and everything this momma needed. I can't believe in 3 months he will ONE. Time flies by and it breaks my heart just thinking how I can't stop it but at the same time I am soaking it all up as much as I can.

Lennox-Cole Andres

The last four year..

End of 2020 we opened Relic General Store with a partner, we were a part of that for 3 years and late Dec. 2022 we decided to step away as it was no longer something we could do realistically. The store front eventually was sold in April 2023 and now is a floral shop. The experience was great and we learned a lot from it and are thankful for all the memories and relationships built. End of 2021 I left HCC for about two years to pursue the small business world; in August 2023 I quit that job and decided to be a stay at home mom and prepare to bring a new one into our lives. Those two years I traveled so much and sacrificed a lot of myself and my life and at the end I learned that it wasn't what I wanted for me nor for my family. God was so in this, even at the time I didn't really see it and I can see it now looking back, HE really took care of me through that season. I stayed home for six months and in January of 2024 I returned to HCC working a less demanding job that would give me the flexibility to be present for my kids and my home.


Manny & I are now both working full time, our boys keep us busy with swim, sports and extra activities. We strive to spend time with family/friends near or far as much as we can. Truly just wanting to be present and more aware of day to day. It's been the greatest thing, while we remain busy, we have truly grown together and as individuals. We continue to be active in our church and that has been exciting to see growth there. We renewed our vows last year, celebrated TEN years of marriage. As far as our businesses; Bear Cub Leather still going strong. We have done so good even after stepping away from the store front and God has open doors for amazing opportunities. I recently opened my printing business back up and that has truly been a GOD thing and how he has blessed us is just amazing. Beyond grateful.

Our boys are growing so fast, Levi is now 8 going on 20. (ha! ha!) He is my leader, always knows best, smart and caring. He has a passion for shoes and soccer. Sports really but his heart is soccer. He loves to worship like his dad, has a soft and sensitive heart. My Luca bear has turned the BIG 5, when they talk about that second child and how wild they are, believe it! (haha!) He is my wild child but is kind hearted, loves to joke and is soo curious about life. He loves all the animals that scare me; the uglier the critter the better. But the child is terrified of small bugs. I don't understand. He hates sports, especially watching soccer. He loves individual play but is just a people person. He will make a friend anywhere. He loves school and learning. Lastly but not least our baby Leno; he loves MAMA and that's about it. (haha!) He is happy and joyful and does not stay still.

That was definitely a quick recap. I'm hoping to get back to blogging more often. There's a lot that goes on in our lives and just fun things to share that we have done or are doing. Till the next one.

Wonder over worries!

The Lopez

Worries ▪ Give way to anxiety of unease; allow one’s mind to dwell on difficulty or troubles

“Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to your life?” (Luke 12:25)

My first name is Martha, I don’t go by and don’t really like it. Mainly because there is a lot of Martha’s in our extended family and just in general. Back in the day at family gatherings there could be up to three at a time.

Martha, Martha….

I live up to that scripture in the Luke; Martha, Martha, …. You are worried and upset about many things.

I am a very much Martha. I am the behind the scenes, preparing, doing, getting things done. I am way better at letting things slide and not get so upset but still can’t stop worrying.

Through the years, I’ve learned ways to catch my worry and work through them. For me to three:

  • Read His Word
  • Prayer
  • Listening to praise and worship music

The key is spiritually fighting your mind. The MIND is a powerful thing and the enemy will use it to his favor if we let him. Just because I’ve come along way doesn’t mean I don’t worry now or get upset.

The enemy has just gotten more creative. (but nothing GOD can’t help me through) The past week, I’ve worried a lot without knowing how much it was taking a toll on me, mentally and possibly physically.

You will see me smiling, finding ways to laugh to avoid feeling that deep stuff. I put on my brave face, I put on my “I am strong” personality to avoid feeling the weakness.

But even the strongest person has their weakness. I didn’t notice how much I was worrying until I sat in our sunday services (AM/PM) and God began to show me.

Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs down but good word makes him glad. (Prov. 12:8)

It was truly weighing me down, BUT last night I laid it all at HIS feet. His presence renewed my mind, cleansed me, restored my faith.

Even the best of people fall; you know why because we are humans, in this flesh no one is perfect. No one is free from trials. BUT I have a GOD who is perfect in every way.

Yes, I worry but HE says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burden, and I will give you rest…” (Matthew 11:28-30)

Yes, worry cause anxiety, but HE gives: “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you, I do not give to you as the world gives…” (John 14:27)

Yes, this mama worries about life, but HE says: “…do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life not more than food and body than clothes?” (Matthew 6:25)

I encourage you today! Don’t let the worry of life that seem bigger than life itself (trust me they do feel that way) take over your mind, your body.

God says: “Don’t be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7)

I want to see the wonders that God has for me and not be distracted by the worries.

Wonders over worries.

<3 Martha Sophia


The Lopez



COVID gave us a taste into homeschooling. The last months of LB K3 were at home taught my myself or husband if my work required me for a meeting. As you may know I work full time, I'm away from home most of the day. As we went into March, COVID became very real in our lives and well life was adjusted. LB was going to a preschool for K-3 up til Spring Break. We knew we would be facing a new reality, stay home order and remote work would begin. How would he finish his schooling? He was doing so good and learning very fast. We didn't want him to lose any of that. Spring break I gather what I had at home and prepared to teach LB at home for the remainder of the year. His teacher would upload their units and we would do our best. There were tears, but there was also moments I would get, "Mami, I love school!" and that made the extra effort I took out of my work day to be with him worth it.

I am living a small dream of mine, to be a full time stay at home mama. If that means homeschooling or just being there for them during the day. Since dreaming of being a mama, I desired to be that mama that was present and would enjoy being their mama at home.


“I love school mami!”


After much prayer and talks with my husband, we decided to keep LB home this school year, he would be going to K4 (PreK). I have researched and after a recommendation on the curriculum, we ordered and prepared for August.

I do not know everything about homeschooling but want to take you on my learning journey. I want to share what I have found and what I am doing with LB. There is such an amazing homeschool community out there, it’s incredible and amazing. I came across the Home and Haven Community on Instagram and I signed up for their Home and Haven Online Homeschool Conference and learned so much. I started to follow homeschool mamas and learn about their journey. Every single one of them shared something that stuck with me: Have GRACE on yourself.

We sometimes want to have it all together or do it just like the next mama. We get frustrated with ourselves and if we don’t live up to it. One thing I have learned, everyone’s journey is different, and the way my kid learns it not the same. The same things will not work for everyone. You take the ideas and adapt them to how your kid learns. Learn with your kid, have fun, and love learning together.

Another great tip I’ve taken is show your kid love through your teaching. If LB is becoming frustrated or not focusing we take a break or we jump to something he loves to refocus him. NEVER force them through their work, patience, and love will go along way. I learned this with LB in these last months. If you allow yourself, your kid(s) will teach you also and you will be a better mama for it.


He makes me a better!

This school year

we decided on Master Books, their Kindergarten bundle. LB is super ahead of his age and we felt that this would keep him challenged and not bored. LB loves learning and retains so much information. He is my little star. It’s set up so easy by lessons and each day what they will do. Provides a general supply list of what’s needed for each lesson. I’ve heard great things about it and I will definitely do a review when we finish this school year. Along with this curriculum, I found a super cute Kindergarten Busy Binder to support his learning skills.

Our home-school corner

Our home-school corner

We have homeschooling in a corner of their play area. My sister law found us this large frame that was used as a chalkboard, we repainted and sprayed painted the framing. We brought down an IKEA shelf from another room and organized the kids books. LB’s table is from IKEA, we loved it because of the buckets under it. We store his shape blocks and LEGO’s in there, to keep away from the baby. His chairs, I found on Amazon, they matched perfect and are sturdy. (I can sit down and not worry i’ll break the chair) Our sister law gave us the rolling cart empty, we found some baskets at the Container Store. I store all our supplies, materials, and curriculum here. I’ve linked up everything I could below.

Homeschooling Corner Links:

Table: Flisat
Chairs: B. spaces Modern Chair Set
Rolling Cart: Medium 10-Runner Cabinet-Sized Frame
Drawers: Medium Cabinet-Sized 3-Runner White
Elfa Hangmate Basket: The Container Store
Supply Caddies: Target Bulleye’s Playground (Target Dollar Spot)
Plastic Paper Tray: Target Bulleye’s Playground (Target Dollar Spot)

Homeschool Mamas or Great Resources:

Arrows & Applesauce: Instagram, Website, Etsy
Herheartshomeschool: Instagram, Blog — watch her Get Started story in Highlights
Teresa: Instagram
Home and Haven Community: Instagram

Self Control

The Lopez

When a friend asked me to teach on this topic I answered “is that you lord? Seriously you’ll God has a sense of humor.

God truly equips us and uses us even when we feel unworthy of the task. He has given us purpose on what he sees in us not what we see

The topic is self control / temperance. Truly believe I’m the last person that person should be talking about this but God sees different.

I’ve had my share of non self control moments. I’ve grown a lot in this aspect. Work in progress. I always say the lord has done a lot in me but he sure isn’t done.

Self control’s definition ability to control oneself and temperance is voluntary self resistance; particularly in an emotional state or in the expression in one’s behavior

For those who truly know me, I’m super outspoken. I keep everything real. Always saying what needs to be said versus what one wants to hear. I stand up when I feel wrong is being done. There’s several occasion where I do feel I could of surely handled that different. There’s been time where people who care for my growth and spiritual well being have sat me down and advised on how I should of handled certain situation or behavior. Please understand that I’m far from perfecting this however God has truly worked in me. I’m not where I was.

There’s moments in life where I talk to God and I ask Him how do you want me to control my reaction or control this tongue if you made me strong will you made me outspoken. You made me this way. And while yes God has made us completely. He reminds me of what He has for me and where he wants me and how he wants to continue to mold me.

God wants us to seek Him, to develop a deeper relationship with him so that we can be closer to him and be more like him. It’s about the heart, the heart reflects outward into our actions and our tongue. What’s inside reflects out.

Galatians 5:22-23 NIV (But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law)

Galatians 5:25 NIV( Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit)

If we let our desires or our emotions lead, our lives can spin out of control Self control is a discipline that God grows in us when we continually chose to die to our flesh and live in Him.

Romans 7:18 NIV(For I know that good itself does not dwell in me, that is, in my sinful nature.For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out)

We are not perfect.

Oh I shouldn’t have said that? Why did I do that? I wish I could take that back. How many times have we had thoughts like this?

We are humans and this flesh has sin nature that can lead to issues with self control. We have to work towards a better us, so thankful for God’s grace in.

Our bible talks ability a woman who is a great example for us working towards self control. I remember studying her a while back in a devotional I did.

Abigail. She was married off to a man named Nabal and he was evil and harsh. His name literally means foolish. He was super wealthy. It must have been so difficult for her to be married to him. She’s described as a beautiful and intelligent and not just on the outside but inside too. She’s known as a gentle meek but strong woman. (2 Samuel 25:3) You see her control her actions and words while remaining confident and wise, she is able to make quick wise choices while controlling her words with grace. (2 Samuel 25:18-19) this chapter we see her control her tongue at least three times. First when she hears that David is on his way to kill. She responded with immediate actions not complaining. Second when she meets David she control what she says. She uses her words to heal the wounds that her husband created. Third when she returns and sees that her husband is drunk and feasting. She made the choice to wait to morning to tell her husband.

What an example Abigail set for us, use our words to heal and not to be a weapon. She controlled her words and use them wisely. We can only achieve that when we develop a relationship with God and allow him to work in us.

When I’m angry or upset ability something that doesn’t sit well or when I’m in a disagreement I can be quick to respond harshly. I didn’t have self control. I used hurtful words or words that caused pain. As I grow in God and get older I understand the true power of our words. They speak life or death in our lives and in others.

Proverbs 15:2 NKJV (The tongue of the wise uses knowledge rightly,But the mouth of fools pours forth foolishness)

Proverbs 14:17 NIV (A quick-tempered person does foolish things,and the one who devises evil schemes is hated.)

The Bible reminds us of the danger of the tongue and warns us that it leads to no good. I’ve learned this and become aware that in order to change, in order to achieve self control I have to focus on my heart and what I’m feeling my soul, my mind. By seeking His word.

I’m not a master of this, I get tested like I’m sure all of us are about on thing or another. But with God we all can be better each day. It hard can’t lie. It’s a lot of work and discipline. Doesn’t come naturally to this flesh. However Abigail did it Im encouraged that I can and we can too.

We all struggle with self control in some way. I struggle everyday, this flesh doesn’t make it easy. I have slip ups. So no matter what is is for you you can grow and you too can have self control. I want to share some tips that have helped me that I found and want to pass to you. I pray they help you.

Pray before you speak or act (Psalm 32:8) Study God’s word daily (John 14:20) When in doubt, stay silent (Matthew 7:12) Repent & Ask forgiveness (Acts 3:19) Give yourself grace (Ephesians 4:7)

Reading His word will never fail you and will never leave you the same. It changes you! It has changed me!

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