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Houston, TX 77075

Hand made leather goods in #HTX.

It's been a while....

That Lopez Fam

Sharing a little into our world

It's been a while....

The Lopez

Well HELLO there... it's been four years since my last blog post. Alot has happen in those four years! The biggest and greatest thing was the addition of Lennox-Cole to the family. A joyful surprise to our lives nad one we can't image life before him. He was born December of 2023. He is the sweetest, most happy baby and everything this momma needed. I can't believe in 3 months he will ONE. Time flies by and it breaks my heart just thinking how I can't stop it but at the same time I am soaking it all up as much as I can.

Lennox-Cole Andres

The last four year..

End of 2020 we opened Relic General Store with a partner, we were a part of that for 3 years and late Dec. 2022 we decided to step away as it was no longer something we could do realistically. The store front eventually was sold in April 2023 and now is a floral shop. The experience was great and we learned a lot from it and are thankful for all the memories and relationships built. End of 2021 I left HCC for about two years to pursue the small business world; in August 2023 I quit that job and decided to be a stay at home mom and prepare to bring a new one into our lives. Those two years I traveled so much and sacrificed a lot of myself and my life and at the end I learned that it wasn't what I wanted for me nor for my family. God was so in this, even at the time I didn't really see it and I can see it now looking back, HE really took care of me through that season. I stayed home for six months and in January of 2024 I returned to HCC working a less demanding job that would give me the flexibility to be present for my kids and my home.


Manny & I are now both working full time, our boys keep us busy with swim, sports and extra activities. We strive to spend time with family/friends near or far as much as we can. Truly just wanting to be present and more aware of day to day. It's been the greatest thing, while we remain busy, we have truly grown together and as individuals. We continue to be active in our church and that has been exciting to see growth there. We renewed our vows last year, celebrated TEN years of marriage. As far as our businesses; Bear Cub Leather still going strong. We have done so good even after stepping away from the store front and God has open doors for amazing opportunities. I recently opened my printing business back up and that has truly been a GOD thing and how he has blessed us is just amazing. Beyond grateful.

Our boys are growing so fast, Levi is now 8 going on 20. (ha! ha!) He is my leader, always knows best, smart and caring. He has a passion for shoes and soccer. Sports really but his heart is soccer. He loves to worship like his dad, has a soft and sensitive heart. My Luca bear has turned the BIG 5, when they talk about that second child and how wild they are, believe it! (haha!) He is my wild child but is kind hearted, loves to joke and is soo curious about life. He loves all the animals that scare me; the uglier the critter the better. But the child is terrified of small bugs. I don't understand. He hates sports, especially watching soccer. He loves individual play but is just a people person. He will make a friend anywhere. He loves school and learning. Lastly but not least our baby Leno; he loves MAMA and that's about it. (haha!) He is happy and joyful and does not stay still.

That was definitely a quick recap. I'm hoping to get back to blogging more often. There's a lot that goes on in our lives and just fun things to share that we have done or are doing. Till the next one.