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Houston, TX 77075

Hand made leather goods in #HTX.

Here we are...

That Lopez Fam

Sharing a little into our world

Here we are...

The Lopez

Five months in...

Like many, COVID-19, brought a new normal to our lives. I no longer get up for work and drive 45 minutes into the office. I now wake up and walk about 15 steps into my office. At the end of my work day, I no longer get into a car and drive home fighting traffic. Now I walk out of the office and put my mom hat on and start cooking; some days however I can't walk away from "work". It's here all the time and so easy to get caught up in the work that I forget that I must be deciplined for my sanity and for my family. I miss my office (something I never thought I would say), I miss my co-workers, I miss huddles at a desk or in a office to chit chat about our weekend or about something new in life. About two months ago I believe, we were able to go into our building and retrieve items to help us work more effecient at home; walking into my office was so bittersweet. I have a new appreciation to my love and hate relationship with work, if that even makes sense. (I know crazy right) But most importantly I undersood how blessed I was to be able to work from home. It has it's perks, NO traffic, I get breakfast every morning cooked by the hubster and most importantly more time it allows for my boys.

Life to some degree as stopped for us, not just going into a physical building for work. We weren't going to our church building, a place where I knew I can always find refuge. Our business travels came to hault. We find ourselves only venturing out for groceries or other household necesities. We had to get creative and find things that we can do at home for fun, we have done a couple of projects here and there. I will share some in another post.

Overall we are healthy and safe, a true blessing. Yes we have had losses, we have had trying moments, but through it all I can say God has been with us every step of the way. I honestly believe, for me and my family, this time was meant for us to work on our homefront. To build a stronger foundation in Him, to grow our relationship with each other and with our children. It gave us a pause to a busy life we normally live.

At the beginning of the year I chose a two words, Seek & Intentional. He cleared my schedule, so I would SEEK him more and be intentional with my time. I can't lie and say I have done both 100% because let's be honest, laziness gets in the way. I can sit and do NOTHING and just lay down, when did I have the time for that. NEVER before this. So yes, there have been times where I have to check myself. Remind myself we are living in a time where we can't be lazy and we can not leave our guard down. SEEK Him and be intentional with our time.

When will we get back to normal? Will normal be normal as we knew it? I don't know the answers. I do often ask myself more times than I need to but still the answer is, I do not know. What I do know is that God is in control and whatever lies ahead He has us covered.

I pray you are healthy and safe. I pray you feel His unconditional love always and never feel alone.

all the love. Sophia